リビング 株式会社クレールアーキラボ オリジナルデザインの リビング 鉄筋コンクリート リビング
リビング 株式会社クレールアーキラボ オリジナルデザインの リビング 鉄筋コンクリート リビング


沖縄県の中部、うるま市の東側、海から 500m ほど離れた高台で東に海をのぞめるところに位置する。



特に LDK の空間は開口を木製の大型引き込み戸とする事で外部との一体化をはかり、内部から自然に外部へつながり、内か外か錯覚を起こすような開放的な空間とした。床にはあえてレベルに変化をつけ、段差による緩やかなゾーン分けを行い、またレベル差で生じる視線の変化により空間に広がりを持たせるとともに、300 ミリ高くしたキッチンスペースに関してはリビングを介しても良い眺望が確保出来るような効果を与えた。

仕上げに関しては、内壁外壁および天井共に普通型枠、一部に杉板型枠を用いた打ち放し仕上げ、床には割肌の玄昌石という「粗」な仕上げとした。粗な空間とすることで、より空間自体の持つ力が引き出され、自然と対峙しながら自然と一体化出来るような、普遍的で原始的な空間が出来ると考えた。 インテリアに関しては、無垢や質感のある素材、またアンティークの照明などを使用し、建物とのバランスを考え計画した。

この住宅の中心でもあるキッチンは、多くの人が集まっても対応出来るようにフラットなダイニングテーブル一体型のアイランドキッチンとし、天板は無垢の一枚板で、機器はなるべく存在感を押さえられるよう昇降式のレンジフードを使用し、色彩も統一した。 台風の多い沖縄の高台で、このような大開口を持つ住宅をつくる事はとても勇気の必要なことであったが、この場所でしか出来ない、この場所だからこそ出来る建築を考えた。


On the east side of Uruma-city, Okinawa, the site is situated on the hill which is 500m away from the ocean.  Panoramic ocean view can be seen on the east side of the site.

When standing at the site, we conceived that we had to create an architecture optimizing the beautiful location overlooking the sea.

To take advantage of the panoramic view, we planned to place large openings as much as possible on the east side of the house, while minimizing the openings on the south side of the house connected to the road.

In addition, we planned to install the long walls extended in east-west direction in the parallel with the sea, so as to overlook the sea anywhere inside of the house.

By the long walls, we clearly divide the house into three spaces which are the entrance, public and private spaces.

These three spaces are positioned in parallel from the front side toward the back side of the site.

The extra length of the walls makes it possible to enjoy the beautiful ocean from respective spaces of the house, while preventing any obstacle from coming into sight.  

Especially in living/dining/kitchen space, we create the open space blurring the line between the inside and outside of the house.

At the openings of the space, we use the wooden frames for the windows extended from ceiling to floor.

As a result, the internal space extends naturally toward outside, and the internal and external spaces are overlapped.

We make difference in level on the floor in order to roughly subdivide the space into living, dining and kitchen area.

The difference in visual line caused by multilevel floor offers a variation to the space.  Multilevel floor makes it possible for people standing in the kitchen whose floor level is 300m higher than that of living area to see the ocean across the living.

Regarding the exposed concrete finish for the ceilings and walls, we use plywood at the most part and partially use cedar planks to mold them.  On the floor, we install the Genshouseki whose surface is chopped face and “rough” finish.

We consider that the high potential of the space it self could be drawn out by applying the “rough” finish, which creates the universal and primitive space which is at one with nature while coping with nature.

Concerning the interior design, we select solid and textured materials and furniture, and install antique lightings, taking the balance between interior and the house into consideration.

In the kitchen located at the center of the house, we install the island type kitchen integrated with the dining table so as to accommodate many people.

The solid-single wooden plate is used for the top of the table.  The elevating type cooking range hood is installed in order to decrease the presence of the kitchen instruments as much as possible.  The color of the instruments are unified.  

It is challenging work for an architect to build the house with the large openings facing to the ocean on the hill in Okinawa where many typhoons hit.

However, we designed the house which can be realized only at the very site.

色: 灰色
素材: 鉄筋コンクリート

homify - あなたの家を形にします


