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明石の家 house in akashi, arbol arbol ミニマルな 庭 工場,空,植物学,フィクスチャ,ブランチ,植生,シェード,住宅街,近所,木本植物
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明石の家 house in akashi, arbol arbol ミニマルな 庭 工場,空,植物学,フィクスチャ,ブランチ,植生,シェード,住宅街,近所,木本植物


建物の構成は、エントランスから奥に行くにしたがって3段階に分けられ、それぞれにちょっとした家庭菜園などを楽しめる中庭を持つ。手前は昔ながらの土間と家族のフリースペースである和室と「畑のある庭」、真ん中はセミパブリックなリビングダイニングと「観賞用の庭」、奥はプライベートエリアと洗濯物のための「ドライエリア」としている。 「畑のある庭」には、収穫も楽しめるよう、ブドウの樹を植えた。釣りが趣味なご主人のために、釣り竿のしなりをチェックするためのスペースでもある。「観賞用の庭」は昼間だけでなく、夜は室内の明かりを消して外部照明により庭の植栽が浮き上がるような非日常的なシーンも想定している。「ドライエリア」は、食卓に座ったときにリビングダイニングからの一部の視線は遮りながらも、足元の植栽や空の移り変わりが楽しめるよう窓の位置を工夫している。エントランスの土間には、薪ストーブを計画した。冬場にぱちぱちと燃える薪の音を子供たちに感じてほしいという、建主の思いが込められており、家族が薪ストーブを囲んでスキレット料理や焼き芋をして季節を楽しむ姿を想像しながら計画した。



素材については、床や外壁、普段は地味な役回りの胴縁や根太、垂木にも、工務店のこだわりがある多様な樹種を使ったことも特徴の一つである。 杉、ヒノキ、ヒバ、スプルース等、木の扱いに素晴らしく長けた工務店であったため、実現が可能となった。また、家具や造園、照明、インテリアは、建物全体とのイメージやライン等のバランスを整え、その意図をくみ取った各スペシャリストによって、一つ一つ丁寧に作り込まれていった。



敷地面積|172.81 ㎡ 延床面積|81.07 ㎡ 1階床面積|81.07 ㎡ 所在地|兵庫県明石市 クライアント|夫婦+子ども3人 仕上|外部  外壁:無垢板貼 内部  床:無垢板貼・琉球畳 壁:漆喰塗 天井:漆喰塗 工事期間|2017年1月?2018年07月 基本設計・現場監理|arbol 実施設計|arbol + はすいけ 施工| 株式会社笹原建設 造園| 荻野寿也景観設計 照明| 株式会社パルコスペースシステムズ 家具| 萬代製作所 撮影| 下村康典

House in Akashi

This house is located in a quiet residential area where a hill land ranging along the castle ruins of Akashi is cut out, near the center of Akashi city in Hyogo prefecture JAPAN. In spite of the limited site area, the house consists of single story with three courtyards. Harmonizing with wind, the sunlight, and lifestyle, therefore, the number of courtyards is added, and the house is encircled with woods. Without invasion of privacy, taking into nature close by, the design pursed a rich living life which eliminates barriers between inside and outside, in order to feel the endless expansion to the outer world from inside the house. The structure is divided into 3 areas, from the entrance to the back of the house, and each area has a small courtyard where private vegetable garden can be enjoyed. The first of the courtyards has a traditional dirt floor, a Japanese-style room for family which they can use freely, and “a yard with kitchen garden”, in the middle, semi-public living dining space, and “a yard for viewing”, to the back, room for private, and for laundry, “dry area”. At “a yard with kitchen garden”, to enjoy a harvest, a tree of grapes is planted. For the client who loves fishing, a space where he can check fishing rod bending, is made. At “a yard for viewing”, it is designed to enjoy the extraordinary scenery, not only at noon, but at night, planting of the yard will be come up by turning off the inside lights and using the outside lights. At “dry area”, the placement of windows is well considered, so as to enjoy the scenery of the downward planting, and the change of sky, when family members get together at the table, even though some of the parts obstructs the view from living dining room. In a dirt floor of the entrance, a woodstove is designed. This is because the client wish the children would feel the sound of wood burning in winter, and the design was created by imagining the family gathering that they would cook roast sweet potatoes by encircling the woodstove and enjoy the season. As for natural daylighting, the design image is not just taking the direct sunlight, but taking the north side light, and the reflection of the light at the exterior wall, afternoon sun which quietly streams all the back to the rooms in winter, morning light which comes from unexpected places, waves of sunshine through the trees. This is like the living dining room which is encircled with 3 courtyards, is wrapped by soft and gentle light. About surroundings, the house is closed, as for taking privacy into consideration, but the plan was made to create a warm living felt impression, by a rich greenery exterior walls, and planting, that would attract passerby on the street, or slight light which comes down from slits set for ventilation. Regarding materials, one of the special features is that the building firm proudly chose various kinds of woods, for floor, exterior wall, or even for furring strips, joists, and rafter, which don’t usually play the main roles. This was only possible as the building firm well know how to use woods such as cedar, Japanese cypress, spruce, and etc. Each professional for furniture, planting, lighting equipment, interior design, carefully created one by one, arranging the balance of the whole house design image.  Through 3 courtyards, touching the plants and the soil, feeling the comfort of wind, enjoying the design of sky, the sunlight which changes its impression along with time and the season can be felt, even staying inside the house. By taking nature and plants into living life, it would bring new little discoveries in the daily life, and we hope that this house would nurture sensibility in the residents’ hearts.

 site area|172.81㎡ total floor|81.07㎡ first floor|81.07㎡ house member|couple + 3childlen address|Akashi Hyogo JAPAN structure|Wood material|outerwall:Cedar wood            Innerfloor:Cedar wood                          wall:Plaster coating                          top:Plaster coating period|Jan. 2018- July 2018 basic design & execution management | arbol detail design|arbol + hasuike builder|Sasahara Corporation gardesn|Oginotoshiya landscape coordinate| arbol photo|Yasunori Shimomura lighting design|parco space systems furniture|SITATE Bandai Mfg.


homify - あなたの家を形にします


